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新烏托邦 New Utopia
單頻道錄像 single channel video
藝術家認為購買預售屋像是購買對於未來生活的想像,每次看見琳瑯滿目的廣告看板,她便 能想像自己居住在裡面、想像格局與裝潢。在此件作品中,藝術家進入尚未動工的建地,模 擬其生活的片段。以身體經驗標示了生活空間的大小與格局,並依照行徑繪製了房屋模擬圖,試圖將想像的過程具體化。
To the artist, purchasing a pre-sale house is like paying for an imagination of future life. On a wide array of advertisement billboards, she imagines herself living in the houses with the layout and decoration of her wish. The artist enters a brand-new construction site and simulates fragments of life in the work. The simulation of a house based on behavioural habits solidifies the process of imagination, with the physical experience marking the scale and design of the living space.
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