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風景 Scenery


噴墨輸出、木、壓克力、投影 inkjet prints, wood, plastic, projection

​尺寸依場地而定 dimensions variable


人類時常將世界的細節與面貌壓縮成微小、精緻的地理圖表與概念,將世界收納進人類的規 範與理解事物的方法之中,再從圖表去想像世界的樣貌。在這個過程中,人們對於世界的面 貌多了感性的想像,並建立各種認知的方式。此件作品木板上的木紋比擬為山脈的等高線圖, 在想像中將無關聯的兩者詼諧地交錯,並定義為一面窗外的風景。彷彿在凝視這片木板時, 能將平面地木紋轉換為等高線圖,回復成立體的山脈樣貌。 

Human beings often compress details and appearances of the world into delicate, conceptual geographic diagrams, incorporating their ways of understanding the world. Through studying diagrams, people build sensitive imaginations about the world and establish various ways of knowing. The wood grain patterns resemble the contour lines of mountain maps. Through imagining, unrelated things playfully intertwine and make up a window landscape. As if when staring at the wooden board, the wood grain patterns transform into contour maps before finally piecing together a three-dimensional mountain range. 

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